Labels:bulletin board | daily | encyclical | fence | sea | sky OCR: Meningiornas are the seconc rhost cor urs may tumour in the sellar region These turr hragma arise from dural surfaces such as the nuses sellae, tuberculum sellae, ce and They project into the suprasellar: 81E rarely arise within the sella. Meningiol and T2- usually isointense with grey matter on following weighted images and enhance intensel rom an contrast adninistration Differentiatio be adenoma with suprasellar extension ced ET difficult dural tail sign may be Coronal adjaceni dural enhancement (Fis the images ver helpful in distinguishi iorma pureky suprase ilar location of the men on of the from the intrasellar and suprasellar adenoma. Fig 24.14 Meningioma Contrast enha T1 -weighted coronal MR adiacent dur italso Corona CT image ina differeni pat prasellar image 8 demonstrating an enh ...